Do you know what happens when the driver who hit you doesn’t carry liability insurance? If you planned ahead and purchased uninsured motorist coverage, you should be able to file a claim to have the costs associated with your injuries paid for. While the terms uninsured motorist and underinsured motorist insurance can be confusing, these essential coverages work to help protect you, your passengers, and even your vehicle if you are involved in an accident that was caused by a third party. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of uninsured motorist insurance and how you can update your auto insurance policy with Krog Insurance today.
What is Uninsured Motorist Coverage?
Uninsured motorist coverage or UM is an optional coverage in many states. But in Minnesota, it is a required coverage and for good reason. If you or anyone else in your vehicle is injured in a car accident that was caused by a driver who is without liability insurance, UM coverage will likely pay for your medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages and more.
Underinsured Motorist Insurance Coverage
It’s no secret that auto accidents can cause extensive damages. In some cases, even if a driver has invested in proper auto insurance coverage, their policy limits may not be enough to pay for all of the damages they are legally responsible for. For example, if you are hit by a driver who has invested in a policy that will only pay out a maximum of $25,000 per person injured in an accident but your total medical expenses exceed $100,000, underinsured motorist insurance coverage (UIM) will kick in to make up the difference. It can help to prevent you from having to pay out of your own pocket for your medical bills or having to seek legal action against the other driver in a civil case.
However, underinsured motorist insurance rules vary from state to state. So, it’s always a good idea to work closely with a local Minnesota agent when building your comprehensive auto insurance policy to make sure you have the right level of protection to meet your needs.
Uninsured Motorist Property Damage Coverage
Sometimes simply referred to as UMPD coverage, uninsured motorist property damage is another additional insurance coverage that can come in very handy. If your car is also damaged in a car accident that was caused by an uninsured driver, this coverage will work to cover the cost of repairs.
Do I Really Need Uninsured Motorist Insurance?
Even with the fact that uninsured motorist coverage is required in Minnesota, many drivers may still feel like their chances of running into a situation where it would be useful are slim. But research shows that an estimated 11.5 percent of drivers in the state of Minnesota. This means that even though you may be tempted to simply invest in the state minimum requirements for UM, UIM and UMPD coverage, it’s a good idea to discuss policy limit options to give yourself and your loved ones peace of mind.
Contact Krog Insurance Today
Don’t get caught without proper uninsured motorist policy limits when you need them the most. With the help of a comprehensive auto insurance policy from Krog Insurance, you can plan for the unexpected and feel confident when driving through Minnesota and beyond. Contact our friendly and experienced independent agents for more information on the benefits of uninsured motorist insurance coverage and be sure to request a free quote today.